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Anna & Ruby

Norse Mythology

Ragnarok is the battle of the end of the world. It is to be fought between the Gods and the fire giants and other monsters. Not only are some of the gods, monsters and giants to die in battle but the universe will be destroyed. 

Blot Sacrifices

Blót sacrifices were sacrifices the Vikings made to the gods to get stuff like luck, rain or fertility in return.

The sacrificial rituals of the Vikings ranged from great festivals in magnate’s (rulers/wealthy business people)  halls to offerings of weapons, jewelry, and tools in lakes. Humans or animals were also hung from trees in holy groves. They often sacrificed multiple times in the same spot, where they believed the god's presence was strong.

It is believed that there were four set times for blót sacrifices; the summer and winter solstice and the autumn and spring equinox. They could also have other sacrifices throughout the year if they were in a crisis that they believe the gods could help them with (failed crops, disease outbreak).


The lake Tissø, meaning Tyr's Lake, in West Zeeland, was found to contain many weapons that are believed to have been sacrificed to the war god before a battle.








Anna & Ruby

This website was very useful and I learnt a lot about Norse Mythology

Anna Steinberg

A place in the middle of nowhere

Amazing and Helpful


its bedtime somewhere




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