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The Three Children Of Loki & Angrbooa

Odin found out about a prophecy that the children of Loki and Angrboὅa would cause trouble for the gods. Odin had the three children brought to him to protect the gods.

Fenrir The Gigantic Wolf

Fenrir is the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Odin had Fenrir Bought to him once he found out about the prophecy. He raided Fenrir among the gods in Aesir. Fenrir grew bigger and stronger very quickly. The gods became scared Fenrir would kill them so they decided to chain him up. The gods chained Fenrir up two times, both resulting in Fenrir breaking free easily. The third time the gods chained up Fenrir they used chains made with magical ingredients by dwarfs. When they went to chain up Fenrir he said "I will allow you to chain me up as long a god puts their hand in my mouth", the only god brave enough was Tyr. When Fenrir couldn't break free he bit of Tyr's had at the wrist. Fenrir is to break free at Ragnarok. Once he breaks free he runs through the would with his lower jaw on the ground and his upper jaw in the sky, devouring everything in his path. Fenrir joins forces with the giants and goes on the eat Odin. Later he is slain by Odin's son, Vioarr.                                                                                   

Jormungandr, The Sea Serpent

Jormungandr, The Sea Serpent was tossed into the ocean that surrounds Midgard by Odin. The serpent grew so big that he was able to surround earth and grasp his tail. Because of this, he earned the name 'Midgard Serpent' or 'World Serpent'. His biggest enemy is Thor and they are both set to die fighting each other during Ragnarok.                                                    


Hel is a goddess. Her task is to reign over the realm of death, she leads where the dead peacefully go to in the afterlife.                                                      

Hel is half dead and half alive due to complications of her father and mother. Half of her face is beautiful, like her fathers, while the other half is ugly and hard to look at like her mother. From the waist up her skin is pink, alive and healthy, but below the waist is dead and rotting.                                                           

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